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Starting in 1997 and emerging gradually in response to priority needs, Atzin’s programs evolved in constant consultation with families, and with careful listening and observation. Atzin now has programs across four sectors, each with many activities: ​Health and Healing; Community Education and Literacy; Income Generation for Women; Environment, Water and Sanitation.


Trained promoters, all local women, gradually took on responsibility for the day-to-day programs. With persistent determination, they entered into cycles of action and reflection as a way to plan, collaborate and build their skills. This process combines taking actions – the “doing” – with times of reflection – the “thinking.”


When individuals and groups develop capacities and recognize their human rights, a sense of liberation grows, diminishing long-standing beliefs of unworthiness or powerlessness. People then are better able to: master skills that enable good work; participate actively in decision-making; critically analyze situations; obtain sufficient resources; and develop enough inner power to risk action.

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